If you’re reading this, you’re probably coming from the Novena for Amelia Substack I’ve been writing for the last eight months. Because of Amelia’s situation, I’ve been thinking a lot about faith and God.
But I’ve read somewhere1 that “No thought is complete until it is written down.” So that’s why I decided to start these reflections on the mass readings,2 separate from Amelia’s novena.
I have no formal training in theology; I’m a cradle Catholic who went to thirteen years of Catholic school. I went to church regularly as a kid, irregularly when I went away to college, then I became more serious and devote once my child was born.
As such, all thoughts completed here are my own, unless otherwise attributed. If I write anything unorthodox3 or heretical, please do let me know. Any discrepancy between me and the Catechism is due to my own ignorance, so take your priest’s word over mine.
I’m just an amateur theologian, after all.
I have no idea who said this. I thought I read it in Stephen King’s It, but it doesn’t come up when I search my Kindle. A Google search took me to a random website that attributes it to St. Augustine, but I can’t find a more authoritative source.
My ambition is to write daily, although it may be weekly, or possibly more haphazard than that. We’ll find out together!
In the literal sense.
God bless you, Matt. Be a man of courage!
Thank you for sharing!